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The truth of the matter is, even with more time and effort invested in security, data breaches are still occurring. Consumers, businesses, and governments alike are suffering from the impact of data loss, with a whopping 62% increase in breaches from 2013 alone! With such a noticeable jump in the past year, what can be done to prevent a breach from happening to you?

This data sheet gives you access to the top 9 reasons why you should upgrade your software that focuses on data loss prevention.  Gain control of your confidential data once and for all while simplifying the management of your data loss policies. Additional benefits to be revealed include how a cost-effective upgrade can:

  • Enable business data owners to take direct action on policy violations from an online portal.
  • Give you greater control over data use on endpoints with new supported platforms such as Mac OS X and Windows 8.1.
  • Simplify the deployment and management of your data loss prevention system with a reduced hardware footprint.
  • And more.
Symantec Corporation
Feb 8, 2021
Apr 30, 2014
Data Sheet

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