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Insider threats, both careless and malicious, abound. This fact is amplified during difficult economic times. With a plethora of digitized information, and vehicles for turning credit card data, personally identifiable information and intellectual property into cash, goods, and other services, risks have increased. It’s no wonder that we’re hearing about a growing number of attacks where the target is sensitive data, and the perpetrators are those with evaluated levels of trust and access:insiders. For years, organizations have worked diligently to lock down their perimeters only to find out that the most devastating enemy is already inside.

Today, most organizations would agree that their most valuable IT assets reside within applications and databases. Most would probably also agree that these are areas that have the weakest levels of security, thus making them the prime target for malicious activity from system administrators, DBAs, contractors, consultants,partners, and customers.

Feb 8, 2021
Feb 4, 2011
White Paper

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