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Enterprise networks are growing in complexity and size with globalization, outsourcing, and wireless expanding the reach of the network beyond its traditional design parameters. IT departments are tasked with ensuring that applications and services run well across both private and public networks. Add to that ongoing application and data center projects such as virtualization and cloud computing and the job of monitoring and troubleshooting all the components that make up that network becomes even more of a challenge. Virtualization decouples the hardware from the application and creates traffic that is more difficult to troubleshoot. Cloud computing abstracts the services away from and even off of the existing enterprise infrastructure and out over the public network. This makes it even more difficult to correctly identify and track down performance issues, as the process is now exasperated by the fact that ownership of the issue is now a shared responsibility between the enterprise IT staff and the service provider. It is therefore no surprise that enterprise IT network staff feel that things are spinning out of control as the job of resolving network related performance issues is getting harder and more complex. Meanwhile, IT departments are caught in the cross hairs of reducing costs, increasing operational efficiencies, and rolling out new applications and services to support the business. These new services must be delivered within acceptable levels of performance for all users regardless of their access points. This can only be accomplished with the right network management solutions.

SolarWinds, Inc.
Feb 8, 2021
Nov 16, 2009
White Paper

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