All Research Sponsored By:Informa TechTarget
Take Out the Trash (Replay)
Download this e-book to find out how inside sales teams can overcome the biggest issues in pipeline building with real-world examples and a step-by-step plan.
Successful ABM: What Developer Marketing Can Teach Us
Tune in to this TechTarget webinar for a deeper look into Developer Marketing, and discover how applying its core principles can help account-based marketers find, influence and convert all constituencies at their target accounts.
Sustaining ABM Success: Balancing Scale and Customization
Tune into this webinar for a breakdown how to scale and personalize your ongoing webinar-based ABM efforts, from expanding the variety of your webinar formats to introducing virtual and hybrid events.
Unlocking Deep Engagement: Creating an Always-On Webinar Series
Tune in to this TechTarget webinar to learn how your organization can unlock deep engagement with an always-on webinar series, and discover the essential steps for launching your own low-cost engagement initiative.
Using High Value Offers for ABM Opportunity Creation
Tune in to this TechTarget webinar to learn how your organization can use high-value offers for ABM opportunity creation, providing timely business value that compels prospective buying teams to engage.
Who You Gonna Call? (Replay)
Tune into this webinar for the 3 critical hand-off points in the revenue lifecycle, and how you can capture and leverage customer intent data to make sure your customers are equipped with the knowledge they need.
Marketing with and through Partners: The Power of Co-Marketing
Tune in to this webinar, where Michael Latchford, VP of Strategic Alliances and Partner Marketing Services at TechTarget, will address the processes at must be considered when marketing with and through partners.
The Demise of Dead-End Demand
Tune in to this webinar, featuring expert insights from Demand Gen Report’s Andrew Gaffney and TechTarget CMO John Steinert, to explore how the best sources of purchase intent data are combining with more intelligent approaches to help B2B marketing & sales teams.
Embracing your Customer’s Uniqueness to Win in ABM and ABX
Tune in to this TechTarget webinar for a close look at how to attract more new buyers and bind existing customers through a focus on customer centricity that goes far beyond modeled personas.
Align Your Partner Programs and Ecosystem to 2022 IT Spending Trends
Tune in to this webinar to explore the latest research on where your IT buyers plan to invest for 2022 and why.
Secrets from 100,000 Demand Gen Campaigns Presentation-EMEA
Tap into TechTarget's insights on creating highly engaging content in this e-book, and take a dive into the secrets gleaned from over 100,000 demand gen campaigns.
Using Programmatic Webinars to Achieve Better ABM Engagement
Explore in this e-book why teams struggle with the shifts ABM requires of them, and discover a methodology by which they can drive substantive success with thoughtful, programmatic implementation of webinar series.
Secrets from 100,000 Demand Gen Campaigns eBook
Tap into TechTarget's insights on creating highly engaging content in this e-book, and take a dive into the secrets gleaned from over 100,000 demand gen campaigns.
Warm Up Your Winners
Take a look at this infographic to learn how—using real purchase intent data—teams can develop a more effective email nurturing strategy that engages prospects better by connecting the topics relevant to them and the solutions you sell.
How Citrix Leverages Intent & Multi-Layered Engagement to Innovate in Its ABM Programs
In this e-book, global digital workspace leader Citrix shares how it is winning with strategies that identify, influence and deliver opportunities from existing and net-new ABM accounts. Download your copy to learn more.
82% of revenue teams say their investment in intent data will increase over the next 12 months, with 34% indicating it will increase significantly.Discover why teams are shifting to intent data to power more fully integrated ABM—and how your team can do the same—in this DemandGen report.Download the report here.
Is Bad Outreach Killing Your Business?
While there are now more total touches across a buyer’s journey, there’s also been a reduction in the time available for meaningful sales interaction. In this infographic, explore how—by acknowledging the problem and implementing real intent data—your high-velocity teams can eliminate bad touches and realize the benefits of more relevant outreach.
The Frightening Realities of Your SDR Program ... and What to Do About Them
To compete for pipeline in their markets, companies have had to add more and more SDRs to their prospecting program. This e-book, The Frightening Realities of Your SDR Program ... and What to Do About Them, explores recent research that highlights key failures and how to go about solving them. Download your copy to get started.
Customer-Centric Growth in a Shapeshifting Cybersecurity Market
Cybersecurity vendors that have found success while weathering the many changes occurring across the landscape have one thing in common: they put their customers at the center of everything they do. Download this e-book to gain insights to help you take advantage of the market.
Is Bad Outreach Killing Your Business?
There are many ways an opportunity can go sour—in some cases it’s out of Sales’ hands. But other times, it’s caused at least partly by bad interaction. Buyers identified 6 behaviors that are “immediate killers”. Discover the 6 here.
Resource Library
Join Jon Brown, VP & Publisher of Market Insights at TechTarget, as he explores how AI, automation, hybrid cloud, remote work, edge computing, and enhanced security impact systems management solutions buyers—and how they’re responding. Tune in to the conversation here.
Bridging the Engagement Gap for Sales
When it comes to identifying and unifying buyers, tech sellers face an uphill battle. The recent acceleration of virtual selling has only amplified their pain. Read on to learn how Sales and Marketing organizations can better identify and bring buying teams together so sellers can more effectively engage their target accounts.
The B2B Buyer Persona Framework
In this B2B Buyer Persona Framework, explore how B2B buyers differ from B2C personas, B2B functional and emotive attributes, and much more. Save the exclusive Forrester framework here.
Delivering On The Promise Of Intent
The B2B tech market is going through a transformation as marketers and sellers adapt to new types of data, new technologies and new processes. Now, companies are trying purchase intent data but are unsure of how to adjust or optimize effectively to deliver better results faster. Watch this webinar to learn how to address these challenges head-on.
Introducing The Insights-Driven Targeting Spectrum
In this report, explore the Forrester Insights-Driven Targeting Spectrum, gain a comprehensive view of 6 sequential capabilities to more effectively target buyers, and discover the best guidelines to ensure evolving levels of data maturity.