Safety Meshing: Hybrid trust models in social networks for end-to-end encryption

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End-to-end encryption on social networks is the new vogue. New platforms, however, still face the same old problem: trust.

We need a new system. In a world with capable nation states, criminal gangs, hacktivists and everyone in between seeking to take advantage of the connected world, how do users stay safe?

Centralised trust systems such as certificate authorities ask us to put all of our trust in one place – a place we might not trust all of the time. Decentralised systems allow us to be discerning about who we trust and when, but are people really paying attention?

In this article, we introduce a way of taking elements of centralised and decentralised systems and combining them to combat some of their inherent weaknesses.

Feb 8, 2021
Sep 13, 2017
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