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More Americans know what podcasting is than who the vice president is, and 12 million Americans listened to their first podcast last year. Of people who are podcast listeners, 80% listen to all or most of each episode, and listen to an average of 7 episodes each week. Given that sort of engagement, it’s no wonder that businesses are starting to seriously explore podcasting as a new method to reach customers and other businesses. Join Scott Abel, The Content Wrangler, and his special guests, Ben Woelk, Program Manager at Rochester Institute of Technology, and Allie Proff, Technical Communicator at Technically Eclectic for this free one-hour webinar. Whether you engage in content marketing, capture general knowledge via audio, or are personally interested in podcasting, this session is for you. Attend the session to discover how Allie and Ben took their podcasts from concept to reality, and how you can do the same! Three key takeaways: 1) Why do a podcast? 2) How podcasts work and how to get started 3) Best practices for creating quality podcast content ABOUT BEN WOELK Ben Woelk, CISSP, CPTC is an Associate Fellow and the 2019-20 President of STC. Ben has been a technical communicator for more than 20 years and a leader at the local and Society level for more than 10 years. Ben was the recipient of the STC President's Award in 2017. Ben is the host of the Hope for the Introvert podcast and his passion is helping new and emerging introverted leaders discover and maximize their strengths. ABOUT ALLIE PROFF Allie Proff, CPTC, is passionate about technical writing because it combines both her loves of reading and writing with math and science. She has been communicating technical knowledge for over fifteen years, whether it be in the U.S. Navy, as a high school math teacher, or a technical communicator for other companies. Her aim is to help people do amazing things by connecting them with the content they need in a way they understand.
Jan 31, 2019
Jan 31, 2019, 13:00 EST (18:00 GMT)

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