Jargon Buster Guide to Post Quantum Cryptography

Post-quantum cryptography is appearing on a growing number of security-related conference agendas as a range of different countries invest in quantum computing and report progress in this regard because viable quantum computers pose a direct threat to most of the encryption systems currently used to protect the most sensitive information by governments and military and commercial organisations.
The problem lies in the fact that most public key cryptography is based on asymmetric encryption systems that are based on complex mathematical problems that would even take a super computer a long time to solve. However, computers based on quantum mechanics will theoretically be able to able to carry out integer factorisation of very large prime numbers and compute discrete logarithms very quickly, allowing attackers to be able to discover the encryption keys for targeted systems.
To ensure that extremely sensitive data held by governments and military and commercial organisations is still secure in a post-quantum era, when attackers will be able to access quantum computers, many experts in the field believe that organisations that rely on encryption to keep data safe should be investigating post-quantum alternatives already so that they are ready to switch to these systems as soon as they are necessary.
The definitions and articles in this e-guide Jargon Buster will help you understand the key concepts of quantum computing and why businesses should be acting now to ensure they are able to encrypt sensitive data in a secure way in a post-quantum era.