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Rebecca George, vice chair, BCS policy and public affairs board and partner at Deloitte, offers interviewing tips for women IT professionals in this presentation for Computer Weekly’s Most Influential Women in IT awards.
Women are different
Women act differently from men in the office. It’s really important to understand what we do differently, especially in the male dominated environment of IT. We need to know, and the men around us need to know.
Rebecca leads Deloitte’s public sector health practice in the UK. She is responsible for all the work Deloitte does with the Department of Health and its associated bodies, and the NHS.
In addition, she leads Deloitte’s relationships with the Department of Health and Monitor, with the third parties Deloitte partners with in public sector health and in IT-enabled propositions. She chaired the BCS Strategic Women’s Forum and Intellect’s Women in IT Forum, and is currently chair of the Policy and Public Affairs Board for the BCS, the Chartered Institute for IT, where she is a Fellow.
Watch the video of Rebecca George's presentation here:
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