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This report from the Corporate Executive Board, based on extensive research with Chief Information Security Officers, identifies the top 10 security imperatives for 2012.
The research reaches some counter-intuitive conclusions and highlights some significant security issues that could easily be overlooked.
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- Identify and Justify the Best Home for Information Security
- Take a Measured Response to Advanced Persistent Threats
- Expand Efforts for Social Engineering Awareness
- Revisit Efforts on Malicious Insiders
- Use Physical Security Tools to Enhance Information Security
- Make Regulatory Compliance a Priority, but Don’t Lose Focus on Security Basics
- Create a Single Global Breach Notification Plan
- Actively Avoid Being a Target of Hacktivism
- Stop Impeding the Benefits of Mobility
- Prepare for the End of the Corporate BlackBerry
Click on the button below to download this report.
The Corporate Executive Board identifies the best business solutions to challenging functional and IT management problems facing CIOs. Its solutions are vendor independent and sourced from a vast executive network that spans the C-suite