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The best EHR application is useless if the systems it runs on crashes. This paper presents the AC Group’s findings from time/motion studies over a 3-month period to determine the average cost-per-minute of downtime for small, medium and large physician practices of $8.13 per physician. Measured variables include actual man-hours, salaries, and workload by individual department in relation to the collection, reporting, organizing and dissemination of information. In addition to the time required to update records once the system is back online, the average practice spends 2.15 minutes performing tasks manually.
The paper includes calculations showing the average annual cost of downtime expected for a given level of EHR solution uptime in practices of various sizes (5, 20, and 50-provider practices), as well as products typically associated with specific uptime levels. The white paper also includes a “cost per hour” tool that readers can use to estimate the financial impact of downtime in practices they administer, oversee or assist.