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Distributed teams are a central feature of modern enterprises. Design teams across the world collaborate to create and develop prod­ucts. Engineering, manufacturing, marketing, sales, logistics and finance personnel man­age complex business processes from offices hundreds of miles apart. Unfortunately, IT organizations face serious challenges when collaborative teams share large files such as design files, spreadsheets, presentations, proposals, manuals, and prod­uct specifications. These methods of file distribution not only reduce team productivity, cause inefficiency and error, but result in a wide variety of hid­den costs.

There are however, several technologies that are available to help IT organizations improve file shar­ing for distributed teams. But because these technologies address the problem in very dif­ferent ways, it can be difficult to sort through them. This white paper will assess the strengths and weaknesses of the four technologies most commonly used to enhance file sharing for distributed teams:

1. Content Management Systems

2. File replication and mirroring

3. WAN optimization

4. Wide Area File Services (also called “Collaborative File Sharing”)

Peer Software
Feb 8, 2021
Feb 17, 2011
White Paper

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