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Whiteboard Discussion: Enterprise E-mail Archiving Solutions for Microsoft Exchange and IBM Lotus Domino.
Why is the architecture of your e-mail archiving solution so important? Read this three part series of presentation transcripts featuring Gary Bergo, Master Architect for Hewlett-Packard’s Information Management Group.
The average corporate user sends and receives 167 e-mails every day. If you're an IT Manager at a 10,000 employee enterprise, you've got to manage ingestion, search and retrieval of more than 1.6 million messages every week. How do you manage this volume and meet application service level agreements? How can you ensure Legal that you can collect and preserve all content relevant to an e-discovery or internal investigation? It is important that your solution scales out not up.
Gary Bergo will show you HP's approach to enterprise scalability and fast search and retrieval capabilities for e-mail archiving.