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Sound data quality is a fundamental requirement of successful data management programs, and problems with data quality can negatively affect an organization’s business performance. However, the importance of data quality may be overlooked by corporate executives who take it for granted that the information in systems is accurate. This e-book provides readers with advice designed to help them win approval for data quality initiatives within their organizations, on both IT and business grounds.
This e-book will provide guidance on how to:
- Build the business case for a data quality program, including tips on quantifying the business costs of low-quality data and ensuring that data is viewed as a corporate asset
- Do an upfront data quality assessment to document existing problems and develop an understanding of a quality improvement initiative’s required scope
- Get approval and budget money for buying data quality tools without creating the impression that the technology is a magic bullet for fixing quality problems
- Manage internal expectations of how quickly data quality will improve once a program is approved and initiated