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The responsibilities of network administrators and security managers at mid-size companies today can seem like a "no-win" situation. They are accountable for securing their organization’s network technologies with limited budgets and even more limited staff resources. Meanwhile, their network technologies are constantly evolving just as new and more deadly threats emerge almost daily. They must also create and maintain security policies and ensure that these policies are carried out to demonstrate regulatory compliance and avoid liability risks for their companies.

Finding solutions to help manage these challenges creates another dilemma for IT directors and managers. The sheer number and variety of network security products and services can be overwhelming - not to mention the cost and effort of implementing these vendor offerings.

However, throwing up your hands in frustration and doing nothing is not an option because the internal network security risks is simply too great.

Read on to learn more about how to improve your network security!

Alert Logic
Feb 8, 2021
Aug 2, 2010
White Paper

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