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The move away from paper-based medical records systems to electronic medical records (EMR) is rightly viewed as a step towards improving patient outcomes, increasing clinician productivity, and lowering costs. The transition, however, is often hampered by the challenge of providing secure access to patient information, particularly given the increased focus on regulatory compliance. From an IT perspective, the mandate is clear: access to patient information must be not only secure but also fast, convenient, and reliable. Technologies that provide security but frustrate clinicians—by slowing them down or adding steps to their everyday tasks—will slow adoption of EMR to a crawl. Likewise, because clinicians are responsible for any changes to medical records made in their name, they will resist adoption unless safeguards are in place to ensure that every EMR change attributed to them was actually made by them. In the U.S., slow adoption can ultimately disqualify a hospital from receiving stimulus funding under the “meaningful use” guidelines of the HITECH Act. Erecting obstacles for clinicians, even in the name of security, is inadvisable when the costs of recruiting and retaining clinical employees can run in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Read this white paper to learn about a one-touch desktop roaming solution that makes EMR management both more secure and more convenient for clinicians.

Feb 8, 2021
May 24, 2010
White Paper

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