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As more mission-critical applications are virtualized, IT professionals get increasingly concerned about assuring continuous performance and planning for future capacity demands. Many organizations lack the required capabilities to manage or measure the performance of their dynamic infrastructure to satisfy service-level requirements. Fortunately, there is a proven strategy to optimize virtualized infrastructure performance at a low cost: cross-domain analytics, rich metrics, and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

In this presentation transcript, Taneja Analyst Dave Bartoletti and Akorri VP of Strategic Accounts Rob Strechay will review why you need to be tracking and optimizing these anayltics and how to leverage them to get the most value out of your virtual infrastructure. Watch this webcast to learn how to:

  • Optimize utilization (CPU, memory, storage, network) to preserve your virtualization ROI
  • Monitor datacenter-level KPIs to improve service levels
  • Accurately predict future capacity needs to save money
Feb 8, 2021
Nov 18, 2009
Presentation Transcript

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