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In an era of lower budgets, constrained resources, and increased concern for the environment, your data center's high energy use is uncomfortably in the spotlight. But improving energy efficiency is possible in nearly any data center, often beginning with simple low-cost or no-cost measures.

This white paper gives you a blueprint for reducing those data center energy costs. First, you need to determine how much energy is being consumed in each corner of your data center. You next need to identify where you can make the most effective efficiency improvements, and determine the cost and ROI horizon of those improvements. Finally, by comparing the investment requirements to potential payback, you can put together a convincing business justification for the CIO and CFO. In other words, you need to:

  • Know the possible savings, through forensic analysis and modeling
  • Know the costs of making those improvements to efficiency
  • Have a plan that shows savings, costs, priorities, and payback times

Read on to learn more.

HP India
Feb 8, 2021
Jun 25, 2009
White Paper

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