Information Security Magazine, July 09: Controlling Privileged Accounts

Cover Image

This month's cover story is about reigning in privileged accounts such as the UNIX root and Windows Administrator accounts. Regulatory requirements and economic realities are pressuring enterprises to secure their privileged accounts. When applied correctly, technology can offset the risks associated with privileged accounts.


Other featured articles in this month's issue include:Has the Time Come?

      - DNSSEC brings PKI to the Domain Name System and prevents dangerous cache poisoning attacks. Implementation difficulties and political battles, however, keep it from going mainstream.

UTM Should NOT = Unnecessary Threat Management

      - Buying the right unified threat management appliance means knowing what - if anything - you actually need beyond a firewall.

and more!

    - Including a new perspective on the resources wrestling match between compliance and data protection.

Read this month's issue to learn more about these important issues and others.


Sponsored By: CA, Guardium, ISACA, Glasshouse Technologies, SystemExperts, and the Academy

Information Security Magazine
Feb 8, 2021
Jul 13, 2009

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