Governance, Risk, Compliance: Policy Management - Methods and tools

This E-Book from and covers governance, risk, and compliance from a policy management standpoint. IT managers are looking to governance structures and the discipline of risk management to help them make decisions and create sustainable processes around regulatory compliance. This E-Book can help navigate the choppy compliance waters and find the right fit for your business.
The book is split into three separate chapters:
- Risk Management: The Right Balance
- One of the most critical components of any information security program is the risk assessment. It is also one of the most misunderstood and poorly executed.
- A Risky Approach
- A risk-based methodology to regulatory mandates is all the rage in compliance circles, but it's not for beginners. How do you avoid spending a million dollars to protect against a hundred-thousand dollars worth of risk?
- Buyer Beware: The Complexities of Evaluating GRC Solutions
- GRC is about more than governance, risk and compliance; it's about integration and streamlined management.
Download the PDF to learn more.
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