The Green Data Center: Energy-Efficient Computing in the 21st Century, Chapter 3, 2009 Update

Data center managers need to operate physical infrastructure support systems at maximum efficiency to go green in the data center.
Chillers, Air handlers, power distribution, and backup power are all part of the mechanical processes that keep servers running smoothly while accounting for more than half of an IT energy bill. Luckily, energy-efficient data center infrastructure is widely accepted and available.
This chapter is a primer on energy efficient cooling and power distribution principles and best practices. It covers the following topics:
- Data center cooling principles and raised-floor cooling
- Hot-aisle and cold-aisle containment
- High-density supplemental systems (such as forced air and liquid cooling)
- The pros and cons of economizers in the data center
- Energy-efficient power distribution
- The direct-current (DC) power debate