Presentation Transcript: Determining First Network Access Control (NAC) Deployments For Your Organization

Many organizations understand the power of network access control (NAC) for improving security but need an effective way to introduce it. Starting the process with specific projects such as guest/contractor access, user visibility, device profiling and behavior control, can allow you to increase security while reducing administrative burdens and delivering a clear ROI. Despite a slowing economy, network access control (NAC) deployments are still on the rise. Why? Two reasons:
1) Organizations are still investing in IT (in an August 2008 forecast, Forrester projects a 6.1% growth rate for US business and government purchases of IT goods and services for 2009) and NAC is a critical underpinning *; and 2) Emerging best practices and lessons learned have stabilized previously unsuccessful NAC deployments.
This webinar will discuss these reasons in detail as well as why and how organizations are deploying NAC in today's environment. Forrester will provide a scenario-based approach to maximizing NAC's value and avoiding costly pitfalls. Key takeaways include:
- The current economy and its impact on NAC deploymentsHow to identify the most appropriate scenarios for NACBest practices on optimizing NAC deploymentsMapping your business and technology environment to the right NAC vendor
Learn how different priorities trigger the need for network access control and see examples of how to get NAC up and running in a phased approach.
* US IT Market Outlook: Q3 2008, Forrester Research, September 2008