Integrating Dell Equallogic™ Sans with Citrix XENSERVER: Realizing Virtualization's Full Potential
Hypervisor-based virtualization offers enterprises opportunities for cost savings, increased security greater operational flexibility, availability and efficiency. By creating an abstraction layer between operating systems and physical hardware, IT administrators can consolidate server capacity, parcel out computing resources as needed, and streamline system provisioning and deployment, all while improving service levels and network security. Virtualization also facilitates support for multiple operating systems, broadened choices among vendors and solutions, and employee empowerment across organizations, regardless of location.
But virtualization creates new challenges too. Consolidation of operations and assets multiplies the impact of data loss and system outage, and increases IT administrator workloads. To succeed, virtualization requires unprecedented levels of protection, automation and integration, all of which lie at the heart of the Dell EqualLogic SAN design philosophy.