SL Corporation - Enterprise RTView™ Case Study

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With a deep penetration in the algorithmic trading and capital markets, Progress® Software needed to be able to provide traders with a way to create custom views of market data and their trading position.

The company's Complex Event Processing (CEP) product is the Progress Apama® platform that can monitor rapidly moving event streams, detect sophisticated patterns, and take action - all within milliseconds. The Apama product provides the foundation for event-driven applications, including business activity monitoring, algorithmic trading, transaction monitoring, market abuse detection and RFID applications.

Achieving the performance levels necessary to apply business logic to the enormous volume of data transactions is central to CEP. But transforming CEP data into meaningful business information that can be acted upon by business users is a significantly more challenging problem. It requires an interactive user interface that each customer can customize to meet their own requirements.

The Progress Apama platform's first user interface consisted primarily of tables displaying event processing operations. While useful and a dramatic improvement on what had been available, it did not have visual tools which would allow business users to quickly and easily understand what was going on. To improve the user experience, Progress Software wanted to provide their users with rich dashboards that facilitated greater interaction with the system and which could be tailored to the needs of individual users.

SL Corporation
Feb 8, 2021
Feb 1, 2008
Case Study
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